About me

My work is an expression of my own love for life and colors, and my aim is to be able to transmit this inner happiness and serenity to others. Positive and uplifting energy, living life with its lessons to learn. We are all on our journey, and as George Harrison said in an unpublished song: If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.

I’ve lived in so many places, met so many different people in various countries: it’s enriching. But one thing has always been with me, no matter where: painting

This is wehere I lived. On the right, the Basilica of Santi Giovanni e Paolo; in the centre, the Scuola Grande di San Marco (Photo by Tango7174)
Italy, VENEZIA: this is where I lived as a young adult. When I went outside my street, this was the square I walked through, and the church I would pass by on my way to school or grocery shopping nearby. On the right, the Basilica of Santi Giovanni e Paolo church; in the center, the Scuola Grande di San Marco, back then a hospital. (Photo by Tango7174)


In Venezia, I went to art schools and learned the basics. But basics in my life were also regularly going to the Opera Theater (Teatro La Fenice, of worldwide renown) where all the best artists would perform in fantastic operas and ballets. I saw the whole Wagner Ring, or ballet with among others Carla Fracci and Paolo Bortoluzzi, and of course Italian operas from the greatest composers and much more.

But this was not the only place I had as part of my life: Venezia offers so much culture, I saw theater pieces in Venitian dialect with Cesco Baseggio, as well as the most famous Italian theater actors. I heard the most modern composers and with the Biennale d’Arte in Venezia met the incredible revolution in modern art that happened in the sixties and seventies. And all this while living in this historic town, having access to all the books I wanted and all the input one could only dream of. A life filled with so much cultural input.

I had to tell this because it forms the core of who I am today

It is so special to get the chance for childhood in Italy, where art was all over and all-around one always. I can only be grateful to my parents, who always dragged me along, and I remember sitting in the Theater, listening to the never-ending Wagner Nibelungen Ring (hours and hours on end, believe me) but allowed to bring cartoons to read and honey candies to eat… after all, I was but a young child. But when I looked up they would have these incredible sceneries with burning fire and all the heroes. Great scenographies. Can you imagine how this would impact me? And my father, the son of a famous Danish opera-singer, would explain the music to me so I could follow along and know what was happening. I’m still a huge Wagner fan today, though I also love Mahler and Puccini!

In order to be able to express inner feelings, culture is important as it gives us the words and ways to do so. One does not have to be an intellectual. I am certainly not. But I’m curious and with such a multicultural background I feel that the World is mine.

I hope you enjoy my art, please leave a comment here or visit my online gallery Linda-cornelius.pixels.com or check out my Facebook Art page LindaCorneliusArtist/