Truth or white lies?

White lies—because we are so well-mannered, right? and dirty truths—because we love to glee over others’ misfortunes, right?

Let’s be completely and utterly honest here… of course we can feel very elevated, but are we really, 24/7, so nice? As I read stuff, I realize how each country actually, really, truly thinks it’s ‘the best’. Quite interesting, considering we are but one race, living on Earth, and actually learning to care for the planet and each other. Easier said than done.

So! We are lied to (what else is new) but we also lie to each other, as well as to ourselves… 

And we nurture feelings of omnipotence (we are all culpable, including me) and use whatever assets we feel we have more of, are more important or whatever, to claim our superiority over other countries, ethnicities, cultures. So we are ‘bigger, richer, better, more evolved, smarter, socially elevated, culturally important’, and much more. And ’our’ key needs (petrol, gas, food, society, values and so on) will be preserved, or else (war, assassinations, manipulations & propaganda and much more).

May I remind you that civilizations on Earth have gone on for eons and have at times also surpassed our current level?

Of course, it is debated, but there, one first idea to wrangle with. Are we the only civilization ever, in a universe where we are the only inhabitants? Does this make sense—at all?

‘Being white’ suddenly becomes an issue; ‘being Scandinavian’ is apparently better, richer than ‘from the poor Mediterranean countries’ —says who? I struggle to remain aloof and serene. Because each country is culpable of some type of racism and exploitation of others, at some point in time. Our planetary history is long enough to show us clearly that—given the opportunity—we can all behave badly. A.L.L. of us, no country, race or culture excluded. Yes: I really meant NO-ONE excluded.

So maybe it’s time to stop the white lies, the well-mannered shunning, and start looking into the mirror, see and CLOSELY observe who we actually are.

We could improve! It is actually possible! (Heh, irony can be found in this sentence)

… we could work at eliminating those ‘socially acceptable’ (??) behaviors that make us feel superior to others—as in poor, insane, sick, colored and ethnically different and whatever else.

Please note: this goes BOTH ways. I’ve seen too many ‘immigrants’ refuse the mores, laws, religions and ethnicities of the countries they got into, and hide in ghettos of like-minded foreigners. Comfort Zones galore, but a wrong mind-set. Racism and discrimination can and do go both ways.

Or sick people pretending the whole world bow to their special needs. And so on and so forth. We have zillions of ways with which we push our personal agenda. Instead of just learning to have empathy and care for each other.

I also really, really wish for, and hope for a kind of spirituality that is not tied to a specific religion and specific lores and mores. This will take time, but I’ve got patience.

We need to grow, to understand who we are, but to do so without delegating responsibilities and tasks to others, leaders, experts, gurus, chiefs, high priests, etc so we do not have to think, study, learn. Yes, it IS comforting to get a predigested truth and just act on that, but it doesn’t work and only creates divisions.

If we want to live in a world of Peace and Understanding and Love my guestimate is: we better get started building it, one-on-one, and not wait for some illuminated ascended masters or authorities to do so for us. 

I think they are busy with other things, right? We can surely build our very own world by ourselves… Besides, I long to live in a world devoid of propaganda…

Oh, and one more thing: studying and learning does NOT mean listening to authorities and obeying orders. 

I am here referring to ANY authority, including the alternative experts, OK? ANY authority is ‘questionable’ (as in questions asked) in my book, no-one is above the law or above inspection.

Read, decide, evaluate your own truth. The only thing that is required is: to devote some time to this and open the mind sufficiently to accept the existence of different viewpoints without having to agree with the flock for peace of mind.

YinYang Friends: opposites meet and we, ourselves, have shadows and lights. And in the world, not to mention universes, we may find all sorts of livingness. Time to open, to expand, to share!

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