The closing of a circle

Wow, do you sometimes ‘know’ a cycle has ended and all is fine? I am waking up to a new, fresh life now, it’s quite fantastic.

Life has its snarled ways, but every once in a while I can feel like I’m on the top of a hill, looking down toward a placid valley of utter peace. I think I’m over the worst hurdle getting to be Danish, and it feels wonderful. Free as a bird, in this heatwave (hah, Denmark has mild heat waves, nothing compares to the scorching heat I suffered in Italy) that marks my new path.

We will see what ‘it’ brings because I know, there is never a dull moment and soon enough I’ll face new mountains to climb. But that is OK, I’ll enjoy my moment of peace and see what’s next when I see it. I’ve actually enjoyed this serenity for a little while now, that is unusual! But then the summertime is a time for vacations, the little town here empties out, people are free for a while, and the end still looks remote. Summer Solstice has come and gone, ever so slowly the nights will lengthen and the days shorten, but it will take some time before it is really noticeable. Although I did notice that last night the ‘night’ was a bit darker. Nothing much, but still.

Let’s be happy and dance, shall we?

The Covid-wave is taking a break, people were sooooo tired of worrying and seem to just enjoy some peace and socializing. This is good, because even here – we were not really hit by anything and endured no sick people that I could conjure up – people are still distancing and sterilizing. Contrary to many other places, we never wore masks, and that alone is something to be really grateful for.

I will dutifully celebrate with ice creams and icy cold white wine in the warm summer nights because… why not! Life is good.

Vitalism: the explosion of life, enjoy

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