Linda Cornelius Randers by Night

Why paint digitally?

People tend to think of digital paintings as “posters”, they are NOT.  And the paintings are NOT done by the computer. A computer is just a machine, no better or worse than a brush. Every artist knows how to fix little mistakes, that goes with the territory and digital painting is no different. But it’s … Continue reading Why paint digitally?


Do we learn most through pain?

I don’t know about you but I seem to learn best and most through pain.  I’ve been through some lighter illness, nothing that couldn’t be easily handled, so I’m fortunate. I'm devastatingly healthy and I heal at lightning speed. When really rough, I don't even feel pain, evidently I must be leaving the body? Who … Continue reading Do we learn most through pain?


Breaking the wall: carpe diem, gutta cavat lapidem

Carpe diem means grab the day, the chance, live now. Gutta cavat lapidem means water drops hollow stone, if given time enough. They are two completely separate sayings, but in my mind, they fit so well together.   Because we need to live in the Now, yes, but also know that persistence is very important. … Continue reading Breaking the wall: carpe diem, gutta cavat lapidem

Linda Cornelius YOU ARE HERE

Check it out, where are you?

You are part of the entire interconnected whole, we all interact constantly, we create together, we shape the world we see. Can you find where I placed you in this art work? You are there. Together with all of us. This artwork ‘came’ to me during meditation, I was thinking about the concept of how we are … Continue reading Check it out, where are you?

© Linda-Cornelius ASCENSION detail

On creation and creating, with simplicity

Today I read a very interesting article from a very interesting soul. Check it out! Bridget Nielsen: The art of simplicity, the Barnard star system Being an artist myself, I really resonate with what's said (and instead of writing something along that line, why not share who did it so well already?) ... Don’t you observe … Continue reading On creation and creating, with simplicity

Linda Cornelius UNIVERSES blue - Digital painting, detail

The bardo and life as an artist

The bardo is not 'just' the interstate between lives, but also any interstate you are experiencing in life. Check this quote from a great article on ThoughtCo I just read: In his commentary on the "Bardo Thodol," the late Chogyam Trungpa explained that bardo means "gap," or interval of suspension, and that bardo is part … Continue reading The bardo and life as an artist